Spiegelau | Style - White Wine Glasses | 440 ml | Crystal | Clear | Set of 4
SPIEGELAUs glassware is trusted by renowned restaurants and hotels around the world and designed in collaboration with professional restaurant owners, brewers and sommeliers. The White Wine glass is the ideal vessel for white wines, allowing its aromas to be released and its fruit and sweetness to be balanced. The Style series from SPIEGELAU is the perfect selection for any event: impressive style combined with modern flair. With an array of stylish shapes for wine, cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages, Style by SPIEGELAU is confident elegance for your table setting.
Spiegelau | Style - White Wine Glasses | 440 ml | Crystal | Clear | Set of 4
SPIEGELAUs glassware is trusted by renowned restaurants and hotels around the world and designed in collaboration with professional restaurant owners, brewers and sommeliers. The White Wine glass is the ideal vessel for white wines, allowing its aromas to be released and its fruit and sweetness to be balanced. The Style series from SPIEGELAU is the perfect selection for any event: impressive style combined with modern flair. With an array of stylish shapes for wine, cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages, Style by SPIEGELAU is confident elegance for your table setting.